After school activities are a great way for students to socialize with peers and to participate in fun activities that exercise the body and mind.
Clubs and Afterschool programs are offered to students from Kindergarten to 8th grade.
An email is sent out at the beginning of each semester with offered programs and the associated application form. Costs associated with aftercare programs differ by activity.


- K-4 Improv Club
- 5-8 Improv Club
- 3-8 Art Club
- K-8 Homework Club
- K-8 Masters Music Club
- K-8 Private Orchestra and Piano Lessons
- K-5 Mind Lab
- K-8 Marathon Club
- 5-8 Fitness Club
- K-2 Co-Ed Intramural Soccer Program
- K-2 Cheerleading
- 3-5 Co-Ed Intramural Soccer Program
- 5-8 Co-Ed Flag Football
- 5-8 Co-Ed Basketball
- 5-8 Co-Ed Capture the Flag
- 5-8 Co-Ed Ultimate Frisbee

Students and parents experience entry, especially on Fridays like no other! Imagine a “Fabulous Friday” arriving at school with everyone outside, music playing, teachers on the roof dancing and enchanting joy all around. We celebrate the week’s accomplishments with our students and end of our week with a “Parking Lot Party” type “Fanfare.”
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” – Albert Schweitzer
At IDEAL School, service to others and our community is a part of who we are, and incorporated into curriculum and daily school life. IDEAL students are groomed for service starting in preschool, and they love it!
At IDEAL we know that service learning helps to improve growth. Renowned psychologist Daniel Goleman discovered what he refers to as a “brain shift” when compassion is generated. Goleman concludes that, “The very act of concern for others’ well-being…creates a greater state of well-being within oneself.”
At IDEAL multiple service opportunities encourage our students to focus – even if only briefly- away from their own interests and desires while providing a context in which students can make connections between content learned in the classroom and its application in “real-life.”
The IDEAL School program is created to support student’s enthusiasm for service by providing opportunities to participate in up-close and personal, face-to-face experiences that enable them to build up their empathy and compassion awareness while improving their sense of well-being, their social and higher-order cognition, and their overview of the world.
IDEAL Middle School students complete a minimum of 60 community service hours upon graduation. To be eligible for an Extraordinary Minds Awards, IDEAL Middle School Students complete a minimum of 90 community service hours and create a plan and take action to “Pay it Forward”. They must have an altruistic idea that benefits the school or community and put it into action.
Throughout each school year, IDEAL School students are involved in many projects/events that give back to the community. The following list and photos show many examples:
- Canned Food Drive
- ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
- ICAN Run
- Toys for Tots
- Beach Cleanup
- Jump Rope for Heart- American Heart Association
- Nose-Painting for Cerebral Palsy
- FundFit for Diabetes
- St. Baldrick’s For Children’s Cancer Research
- FundFit Slide for Children;s Cancer Foundation
- Volunteer Sea Turtle Research and Conservation Team in Costa Rica
- Flashmob Fundraiser for KoreysKrew Children with Disabilities.